

Why do guys suck sometimes?  

I know two situations where my friend and I have faced non responsive exes.

My case is the following:
I went out with this guy last summer. Was really into him until I realized that I fell for a fantasy, an ideal and not a real person. I didn't tell him this when I broke up with him; I told him I just needed time to sift through my own personal drama. Months down the line after much prodding from friends I called him up and did the "closure call." Come to find out that he was really hurt that I hadn't emailed, called or kept in touch with him. I was confused--should I have kept in touch with him or given him space?

That was me being insensitive. Since then I have made an effort to keep in touch with him; however it's been really hard; I feel like it's one sided; I always take the initiative to IM him or call him.

My friend's case is not that easy.

She also had been seeing someone over the summer; however, they ended on bitter terms; more bitterness came from him than her. They agreed to be friends; however, the communication has been one sided. it's been mainly my friend who has been keeping the lines of communication open, while he remains aloof and distant.

I think about my friend and her ex and I could see that this could easily happen with the guy I'm seeing right now. We both have a lot of pride, and he had already mentioned how he never calls one of his exes. he only talks to her when she calls him. I would make an effort to keep in touch with him; I'm not sure he would return the favor, though.

Why, oh why are guys so cryptic?