

the play by play 

it's actually a bit of cheap entertainment to peruse the online personals. between match and nerve, i prefer the latter, hands down. the questions they ask to build your profile are a bit punchier and allow for more creativity than match.com.


"in my bedroom you'll find..."

this is where you can insert: "the mummified corpse of my last boyfriend with an inspired mess of jars containing preserved organs."

however, with match, i can SMELL the onset of a mortgage, a dog and two kids. yick.

i still keep getting dumbass, white guy 40 year-olds on match.com who forget that 40 no longer means you're "thirtysomething" and that "white" doesn't equal "man of color." yeah, yeah. "isn't 'white' a color?" well, it's not my favorite, especially when it's accompanied with messages like:

I do not have an Asian fetish, I just like the respect of the culture. I did have a Thai girl friend for awhile. My first girl friend was philippino. I just really like the exotic look I guess.

Anyway, I hope to talk to you soon. But in any event, you have a very nice look and smile. By the way, I am not looking for someone who is high maintenance as I am pretty laid back. I do want to spoil my woman though.

i should write back and say that i'm a skilled knife thrower that needs a personal hairstylist. that, and i wear dentures. and MOFO PUHLEAZE! look up the word "philippino" before i make you a one-testicle man (vis-a-vis a knife throwing rehearsal accident).

regardless, with nerve, i've seen some hilarious profiles. some guy using the username "my lame profile" has his profile "headlined" with: "get ready for mediocrity." woo. he really has an overpowering scent of confidence. Another guy expresses his "punniness" with: "i hate dates. esp dried ones. figs aren't bad."

this is where you picture me with a grin and a head shake lifting up and back my fishing rod for another go.