

How to Respond?  

Ok now things are starting to simmer a little bit---
Just a note: the names have been altered to protect the innocent.

I Got three messages: one from CR, Texas Sweetie, (TS), and Bay Area Hacker (BAH).

First: BAH:
He actually runs in the same circles as I do believe it or not. He passed me his number and I called him. We talked a lot about everything--he's a really sharp guy!

However we came around to the inevitable topic of casteism: He didn't really grasp the importance of being caste conscious, regardless of how oppressive casteist brahmins are here. We talked about it for a bit and I think he got the picture. We talked about other things, cryptography, tech activism, and brazil. I will definitely keep in touch with him because I still think he is a sharp guy and is into the same things I'm into; however, I just can't see myself 'dating' someone brahmin. And yes, I know this narrows my choices considerably,

Second: CR:
He wrote back last night but as I was trying to regulate my sleep pattern I decided to respond today. He talked about his time spent in Brazil; he also mentioned how he liked the movie 'Orfeu'-- 'In spite of its simplicity'

In spite of its simplicity?

I have to make sure that he is referring to the first movie, 'Orfeu Negro' One of the most beautiful movies I have seen about Brazil, and not the recent remake, which was, I will admit, a little cheesy (but still really good!) My work sounds 'intriguing ' to him, and he only responds to answers I ask him; he never really asks me questions, is he just really shy?

I feel like with this guy I am taking the initiative, which is fine but I feel like I need more feedback from him, does he think I am asking him too many questions?

Am I being too forward?

Third: TS
I got a message from TS today; really smart and witty; he's a Texan Transplant; although he's not Indian.
We'll see where that goes----