post script to blocking the "man"
just in case our readers may think i was being a bit too judgemental about the anti-hip hop guy from yesterday, i wanted to explain a bit more the impetous for blocking him. in his message to me, he put in the subject, "i'll be your huckleberry." the only image i had was of me being the runaway slave on the mississippi river with his white self as my "partner-in-crime." for me, that's not exactly a pleasant vision for me to imagine if i were to date a white guy. interracial relationships can be really tricky. the few times i have ever dated a white guy, i always had the issue of their whiteness being my "foot in the door" to areas of privilege not always accessible to people of color. for me, that doesn't fly. (this is when you hear destiny's child "independent woman" burst out of the silence). my sense of justice isn't based on me gaining privilege by way of the bridge called his back. (now, this is where you see me at the national convention of women of color giving "high fives" and hoots and hollers). yeah, yeah, yeah... there is that thing called "love" that may happen and exist between white guys and their women of color partners, but i just want to put it out there: it ain't that easy, and in many ways, it can be that much harder...